"Gary's World"
Published Dec. 16, 2005 |
Christmas controversy has
gotten out of control
Each year during the Christmas/holiday season, this annual
controversy erupts about Christmas being taken out of the celebration.
I don't know if it's me this year or what, but this year it seems
to have escalated.
Heck, I know Jesus is the reason for the season, but this
year the controversy has gone just a little too far out of control.
We have gotten dozens of letters to the editor here at the
Chronicle about how unjust it is to be taking Merry Christmas
out and substituting that sentiment with phrases such as happy
holidays or seasons greetings.
Some folks have even complained to the city of Crossville
about the banners that say happy holidays. These people want
new banners erected that say Merry Christmas. I've lived here
since 1989 and the banner on Main St. has always read "Happy
Holidays." Heck, it even has angels on it as well. I don't
know about you, but when I see an angel I automatically think
about God, Jesus and heaven.
The Crossville City Council even devoted part of its last
meeting to talks about changing the banners next year at a cost
of more than $1,300 each.
Now, I'm very proud to call myself a Christian and when I
see happy holidays or seasons greetings in no way am I offended.
Nobody should be offended - especially someone who claims
to be Christian. I mean these phrases are good sentiments, well
wishes that encourage people to enjoy the season.
Tim Powell of Nashville summed it up beautifully in a letter
he recently wrote to the editor that was printed in The Tennessean.
Powell wrote, "A year ago, I was diagnosed with stage
4 cancer. I faced immediate surgery and chemotherapy treatments.
In the blink of an eye, my Christmas season turned from red and
green to black.
"I had two surgeries and 28 chemotherapy treatments in
three months. Now, a year later I am in complete remission.
"Instead of facing death this Christmas, my life is in
technicolor, and I can't kiss my wife and kids enough.
"It doesn't matter whether you say 'Merry Christmas'
or 'Happy Holidays' or 'Season's Greetings.' It doesn't matter
whether you say 'Christmas tree' or 'holiday tree.' Ask someone
who is eternally grateful just to be alive. They'll tell you.
It really doesn't matter."
Now, can you see what's important here?
I'm in good health and I feel this way every day about the
gift of life and how privileged I am to be living in America.
It seems to me that no matter how someone is telling you to
enjoy the holiday season, either by saying Merry Christmas, Happy
Holidays or Seasons Greetings, the sentiment should be taken
in a positive way as a well wish - not a slap in the face that's
viewed as an attempt to undermine the values of our Christian
society's heritage. Give me a break.
It just seems so petty to me for someone to complain about
a banner that the city of Crossville has on display wishing everyone
"Happy Holidays."
The complainers demand that the banner should say, "Merry
I've heard people complain about this first-hand.
Good Lord, people. Get a grip. Is this really something that
we should be complaining about?
Maybe all of these complainers should get together, chip in their
money and buy a banner that says "Merry Christmas"
and have it installed on Main St., too. I've always been told
and have taught my children that if something is worth complaining
about, then it's worth doing something about.
Why take the time to nit-pick, whine and complain about something
such as this. Your time would be much better spent enjoying the
holidays or Christmas season and spending time with your family
and thanking God for all the blessings we take for granted every
Blessings like a warm home to live in, food on the table,
good health and fellowship with friends and family and the opportunities
we have available are what we should be focusing on. These are
the true gifts of Christmas.
The next time you see the Happy Holidays banner on Main St.
in Crossville or see Seasons Greetings on the TV instead of Merry
Christmas, think about how blessed you are to even be seeing
it or reading it.
It's meant as a kind wish for you and everyone to enjoy this
time of the year - not to wallow and moan about the way things
should be.
Merry Christmas, seasons greetings and happy holidays to all!
Gary Nelson is a Chronicle staffwriter. His column appears
periodically in the Crossville Chronicle. He can be reached by
e-mail at gnelson@crossville-chronicle.com.