"Random Thoughts"
Published June 18, 2003 |
Eight simple rules for ...
Dreams do come true. W. Bruce Cameron knows they do if you
work long enough and hard enough. Last fall this columnist and
author of 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter, which
is now a hit TV series on ABC, spoke at a meeting of the National
Society of Newspaper Columnists. His informal humorous talk was
titled "Rules for Success: Write, Edit, Write, Rewrite."
That was his life as he pursued his childhood dream of being
a writer.
He took a leap into the unknown when he left his job at General
Motors in Detroit and moved to Denver in 1989. Cameron had written
eight novels, all unpublished, and he began to write columns
on the subjects he knew well. He wrote about his family and parenting.
Two teen daughters and a younger son provided lots of ideas.
In 1996, a year after he began writing "Cameron Column,"
he set up his own Web site, www.brucecameron.com. That Internet
newsletter gradually built until today he has subscribers in
52 countries and the site gets 10,000 hits a day. In 1999, the
Rocky Mountain News picked up his column, and not long after
that it was syndicated by Creators Syndicate.
Cameron says he was anything but an overnight success, but he
was doing OK. He now had an agent and he sent her his ninth novel.
Remember, he already had eight unpublished novels. She told him
she liked it but it was too long. Then she asked what else he
did and he sent her some of his columns. That agent must have
thought, forget the novels, this is good stuff. When the book
based on those columns was released in May 2001, it quickly moved
to number 14 on the New York Times best seller list. By June
14 the first printing of 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage
Daughter was sold out.
The book was adapted for TV and the show premiered on Sept.
17, 2002 starring John Ritter and produced by veteran Tracy Gamble,
the producer of "Home Improvement" and the "Golden
Girls." The original 22 episodes has just been expanded
to 26 which indicates another hit show. The cast starts work
on Monday and the final show is filmed on Friday before a live
audience of 350. Cameron has no involvement with the TV show
but his name appears on every episode, "Based on the book
by W. Bruce Cameron."
Bruce has signed a movie contract with Disney and is working
on a movie version of 8 Simple Rules. His next book, How to Remodel
a Man, is due next fall. This 46-year-old writer gave every indication
of taking his remarkable success in stride. Even though he was
a featured speaker for our meeting, he registered for the entire
weekend of seminars and just like the rest of us, was very much
a columnist interested in learning more about his craft.
Personable and witty Bruce never gave up his dream of being
a writer. In that pursuit he learned a valuable lesson which
he shared with us. He said, "It wasn't until I gave up writing
for sale and wrote for my own pleasure that I found my voice."
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Dorothy Copus Brush is a Fairfield Glade resident and Crossville
Chronicle staffwriter whose column is published each Wednesday.