"The Right Stuff"
Published Jan. 22, 2003 |
Isn't this where we came
Seems like only yesterday, and the day before, and the day
before, that our legislators were struggling with our state's
financial woes. What to do? How to tax? Who to tax? How much
to tax? But finally a solution. Last June the Cooper-Curtiss
tax bill enacted into law the "largest tax increase in the
history of the state of Tennessee." It was a bitter pill
to swallow, but we were consoled at the time by House Speaker
Jimmy Naifeh (D- Covington) who said that the state income tax
issue would be "dead for many years," and, "we
are going to live within with the revenue stream we have in place."
Bill sponsor Jerry Cooper (D-Smartt Station) said additional
taxes are now a dead issue, and that gubernatorial candidates
should focus on other topics.
Well they did. Both Van Hilleary and Phil Bredesen campaigned
on the premise that there is nothing wrong with the state's financial
resources that proper management couldn't cure. And indeed, Mr.
Bredesen, being considered the more experienced financial manager,
got elected on that basis.
But that was then, and this is now. Governor Bredesen stated
last week, "Obviously, the state is in a more serious situation
that anyone realized in September, October, or November."
Oh really? Amazing how much he has learned since the election!
So what to do? Appoint a committee, of course. But the committee
membership must be carefully chosen to reflect a balanced recommendation
of whether to tax, or not to tax. So who will chose the committee?
Why naturally those staunch opponents of additional taxation,
Governor Don Sundquist, Lt. Governor Wilder, and House Speaker
Jimmy Naifeh. They get to name five members each. And just to
make it fair, former State Senator Bob Rochelle, who was defeated
for his strong support of an income tax, has been brought out
of forced retirement and pressed back into public service as
a committee member.
So get ready folks, Mr. Bredesen is promising some real "belt
tightening." Yours, of course!
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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published
each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.