"The Right Stuff"
Published March 27, 2002 |
Now that's more like it
Who says our legislators never do anything worthwhile? Some
of them do. Well, in Georgia, anyhow.
Here's House Bill 1709, introduced into the Georgia House
of Representatives on March 8 of this year:
"Each bill or resolution which would result in the expenditure
of state funds shall have affixed thereto the following statement,
signed by each sponsor of the legislation:
"Every sponsor or co-sponsor of this legislation hereby
affirms his or her belief that the need for the government of
the state of Georgia to spend taxpayer funds on the purposes
outlined herein is of greater importance and urgency than any
spending needs which the party or parties who actually earned
these funds may have; such needs being, but not necessarily limited
to, spending for medical care, child care, housing, food, clothing,
transportation, education, insurance, charitable giving, savings,
and retirement planning.'
"Any such bill or resolution which is filed without such
statement being attached and signed shall be out of order and
may not be considered."
If such a bill were enacted into law, which it won't be, then
the legislator submitting each piece of frivolous, pork-barrel
legislation would have to certify, in writing, that he or she
had a greater need for your money than you do. Don't hold your
breath for them to admit it, even though that's exactly what
they do every day they are in session.
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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published
each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.