"The Right Stuff"
Published July 10, 2002 |
The International Criminal
For years now, we have heard the John Birchers and others
call for our government to "Get us out of the UN!"
Most of us paid them no mind because we knew it was never going
to happen, and besides, they are just a bunch of right-wing fruitcakes
Even though the United Nations has degenerated into a bloated
bureaucracy, dominated by corrupt banana-republic socialist dictators,
we have always felt it is politically correct for us to continue
to participate, and, of course, to provide most of its funding.
But it's becoming more difficult to disagree with the call of
the Birchers when at every hand it seems the primary purpose
of the organization is to dominate and undermine the best interests
of the United States of America.
It wasn't enough that the UN, under the guise of environmental
protection, now controls Tennessee's Great Smoky Mountain National
Park, among others. Or that our military is being forced to serve
under the command and the flag of the United Nations. But as
of July 2, 2002, we, as United States citizens, are now subject
to the jurisdiction of a United Nations International Criminal
Now, our government isn't totally without blame in getting
us into this mess. One of President Clinton's final acts the
night of Dec. 31, 1999, was to sign a treaty indicating our acceptance
of the Court's authority. In placing his signature, Clinton said,
"Court jurisdictions over U.S. personnel should come only
with U.S. ratification of the treaty. The United States should
have the chance to observe and assess the functioning of the
Court, over time, before choosing to become subject to its jurisdiction."
(Please note the use of the word "should.") Well, it
didn't work out that way.
President Bush has come out strongly against the U.S. being
subject to the jurisdiction of this International Court, and
has promised to fight any Congressional effort to ratify the
treaty signed by Clinton. But under the terms of this international
statute, citizens of any nation can now be arrested regardless
of whether or not their governing bodies have ratified the treaty.
Of course we don't like that, but to whom do you appeal the authority
of a Muslim-dominated World Court? Allah?
So what does this all mean? It means that for the first time
in U.S. history, our military personnel serving abroad, or just
plain U.S. citizens who are traveling in any of the 138 - mostly
third-world - countries who have adopted this world court,
can be arrested, tried and convicted for any number of trumped-up
charges under the generalized term of an "act of aggression."
And who defines a UN "act of aggression?" Pursuant
to Article 39 of the UN Charter, the UN Security Council "shall
determine" the existence of an "act of aggression."
And who is the current president of the UN Security Council?
Mr. Farouk Al-Sharaa, the UN Ambassador from Syria!
And what are the Syrian ambassador's credentials to be an
arbiter of justice for the International Criminal Court? Syria
is one of the 12 nations identified by President Bush as supporters
and sponsors of world terrorism. The State Department's Patterns
of Global Terrorism 2001 reports: "The government of Syria
has not been implicated directly in an act of terrorism since
1986, but it continued in 2001 to provide safe haven and logistics
support to a number of terrorist groups." The key word is
"directly." But how about indirectly?
The State Department report says, "Damascus (the capital
of Syria) is the primary transit point for the transfer of Iranian-supplied
weapons to Hezbollah." The Hezbollah is a radical Shiite
Muslim group formed in Lebanon, and suspected to have been involved
in numerous anti-U.S. terrorist attacks, including the suicide
truck bombing of the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Marine barracks in
Beirut in October 1983 and the U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut in
September 1984. In addition, Syria supports such terrorist groups
·Ahmad Jabril's Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine General Command;
·Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ);
·Abu Misa's Fatah-the-Intifada;
·George Habash's Popular Front for the Liberation of
·Hamas, which maintains offices in Damascus; and
·Provides refuge and basing privileges in Syrian controlled
Bekaa Valley for Hezbollah, Hamas, PFLP-GC, PIJ, and other terrorist
Within the past couple of days, you have seen news reports
of how American troops have been accused of mistakenly bombing
an Afghanistan wedding party. We have either caused the hospitalization
of only four children, or killed 250 and wounded additional hundreds,
depending upon which news network you watched - honest!
But already the Afghans are calling for International Criminal
Court prosecution of the airmen involved. And should Secretary
of Defense Rumsfeld venture abroad, he could be arrested, tried
and convicted for having ordered this unfortunate "act of
aggression." Read it. It's all in the fine print.
So maybe, just maybe, the call of the John Birchers to get
us out of the UN isn't such a crack-pot idea after all.
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Ed Wood is a resident of Sparta, TN. His column is published
each Wednesday in the Crossville Chronicle.